Internship Opportunity: Intern Volunteers

African Center of Excellence in Bioinformatics and Data Intensive Sciences

Position Title: Intern Volunteers
Work Schedule: Full-time
Location: Kampala
Application Deadline: 29/05/2024
Proposed Start Date: 15/06/2024

Program Overview

The She Data Science (SHEDS) project invites applications from females for six internships in 2024. This initiative, a collaboration between the African Center of Excellence in Bioinformatics and Data Intensive Sciences, Infectious Diseases Institute (Makerere University, Uganda), and the Institute of Global Health Sciences (UCSF, USA), aims to empower Ugandan women in health data science.

About the SHEDS Program

With the rise of technologies like mobile phones, genomic sequencing, IoT, and electronic health records, there’s a surge in various data types. Data Science, including Machine Learning and AI, is crucial for analyzing this data. However, the technical nature of DS risks excluding already disadvantaged groups, particularly women in Uganda due to high gender disparity in STEM. This program focuses on:

  1. Training women in data science/bioinformatics methods.
  2. Identifying barriers to women in STEM, DS, and bioinformatics.
  3. Bridging the gap to apply these skills in biomedical and public health practice.

Benefits of the Program

  • Work on real-life problems such as Antimicrobial resistance (AMR), Cancer, Genetic diseases.
  • Receive world-class mentorship in health data science.

Internship Fields

Interns will engage in projects using data science, mathematics, and/or bioinformatics in the following areas:

  • Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR): Drug combination therapies, One Health AMR transmission pathways, antimicrobial stewardship initiatives.
  • Human Genomics: Role of repeats in the human genome.
  • Cancer: Cancer genomics and data science.
  • Natural Language Processing (NLP) and AI: Generative AI solutions for health problems.

Submission Requirements

Submit the following documents as a single PDF file:

  1. Certified copies of academic documents, official transcript, or stamped testimonial.
  2. Two reference letters from academic referees on institution’s official letterhead.
  3. Statement of motivation (max 1500 words) detailing the specific internship, skills and experience sought, and potential contributions to ACE.
  4. A single-page idea for a research project.
  5. Updated CV (max 4 pages).


  • This is a full-time internship; applicants should not be engaged in other studies or employment.
  • Only successful candidates will be notified.
  • Although the opportunity primarily targets females, exceptionally qualified males are encouraged to apply.

Apply Here

About Infectious Diseases Institute (IDI)

Industry: Health
Location: Kampala



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